My Vintage Side

There is something magical about vintage items. Perhaps its the idea that someone else held them in their hands, enjoyed their luster, benifited from their usefulness or simply smiled at the thought of owning them. Maybe it's because they have had a whole other life before my hands ever touch them. I don't really know the reason why, but I do know that I have (what some would call) an addiction to them. I started collecting vintage items so long ago, that they are now called antiques. I have so many collections that some of my friends say coming to my house is like stepping  into a museum. My collections include: ladies compacts, children's books, children's tin toys,  Bessie P Gutmann prints,  bakelite flatware, 1940's green and cream kitchenware, and jadite fireking glassware. If that's not enough, my mother just recently delivered to me, my dollhouse furniture from my childhood. So needless to say, my latest passion is tin dollhouses and furniture. Do you think I am an addict?
As an effort to overcome my addiction,  I have added a few pieces of vintage jewelry to my Etsy shop. .

Etsy Treasuries Featuring Some of My Vintage Pieces

Some of My Vintage Shop Pieces

Trio of Hearts

Sliver Drop Leaf

2 Tone Butterfly